DIETZ Power implements Oracle NetSuite ERP - Cadran Consultancy

DIETZ Power implements Oracle NetSuite ERP


Dietz Power is an electric wheelchair manufacturer based in The Netherlands. Dietz Power has one very clear goal: to develop powered wheelchairs that are adaptable right down to the last detail, for people with limited mobility of any kind to use in a wide variety of living environments. 

To achieve their goals, Dietz Power implemented NetSuite ERP. In this video Dick van de Beek, CEO at DIETZ Power, tells about his choice for NetSuite and the cooperation with Cadran as implementation partner.

“NetSuite is a program that helps you to prepare for the future, that provides you with insights, and yet doesn’t make you feel dependent on any third party. When it came to identifying our problem, Cadran was able to figure out what we needed pretty much straight away.”

Dick van de Beek
CEO at Dietz Power


Marcel van Es

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