Invoice processing for DPD with ISPnext

Smooth implementation of and positive practical experiences with digital invoice processing

Smooth implemenation

DPD Finance to Manage Team Leader Fred van de Wiel explains, “With regard to integration, the reason for us to choose ISPnext was the fact that they were the only ones to have a standard JD Edwards interface. That made it easy for us to choose. Moreover, we decided to simultaneously implement both digital invoicing and JD Edwards. This approach worked out well for us. During the first weeks of the implementation, we made use of the services of a dedicated support desk that was able to provide almost realtime answers and solutions. We have found this to be an extremely positive experience. This enabled us to immediately find a solution for questions our users had during the start-up phase.”

Invoices immediately available for payment

“I would also like to add that the initial explanation to the entire team who were going to work with ISP-Invoice was excellent. Creating a test environment for the implementation and using it to explain the program, made accepting the change easier for the staff. The consultants provided a clear explanation and helped us work out solutions. One of the advantages from practical experience we consider to be positive is the immediate processing of linked invoices with accounts payable – the invoices are immediately available for payment. In short, the project progressed in accordance with our expectations and we are very satisfied about the practical experiences with digital invoice processing in ISP-Invoice!” Van de Wiel concludes.

About DPD

As a leading service provider, DPD delivers standard and express parcels on behalf of thousands of satisfied customers each and every day. They are experts in their own national market, and form part of the international DPDgroup. Communication with clients, prospective employees and journalists is a priority at DPD. The company is also fully aware of its social responsibilities to its employees and the environment.

Ed Pieters Managing Partner

Ed Pieters

Managing Partner